“My child is such a naughty bundle, she is the apple of our eyes”. “My kid is such a drama queen”!
Both statements are often heard from parents. Both true in their own sense, both understandable and both examples of how children change, and how parents are often clueless about dealing with their child.
Parenting is a wonderful journey and one that is ever evolving, because children are growing and their moods, thoughts, like & dislikes change with age. What was the perfect solution to deal with a 3-year-old throwing a tantrum, will not work for a 9-year-old throwing a tantrum!
Children change with changing years; while parents unfortunately get stuck in the same old rut.
That’s where Child Psychologist, Parenting Counsellor and Therapist – Riddhi Doshi Patel is here to Handhold Parents of children aged between 0 to 10 years, because these are the formulative years and the foundation to how the children grow up be.
Together we can build a generation that is aware, rooted, resilient, and ready to face what life takes them through.
Let’s make an Atma Nirbhar generation
Ask your child “How are you feeling when I am doing so many things with you?”
Let him/her share their experience
Talk to your child about Bullying.
If that has happened with you, share and ask the child to share if somebody is constantly bullying him/her. Sarcastic comments, comments related to image, silly statements, fun statements that hurt are all considered bullying. Even fun tags are considered as a bully.
Introduce the word "Gratitude" to your children today.
Activity: (To be done with your child, two different columns, one for you and one for your child)
Let's list down 10 things which we are grateful about, 10 people whom you are grateful to and 10 situations you are grateful that happened in your life (The third part is to be done for children of 9 years and above).
This whole activity needs to be done just once a month.
Play a game with your child. Any age appropriate game.
Snakes & Ladders
Cross & Zero
Impromptu throw and catch
Run and touch.
Let your child only talk.
You need to just probe : Hey...today is your turn to start...."How was your day"
Talk about how you overcome a particular feeling/emotion.
Basically, along with helping the child in increasing the emotions vocabulary, we need to also show them how to cope up with those emotions and feelings and not allow oneself to stay in that space for a longer time
For example - Today I was feeling too sad because my friend is unwell. But, then I called her up and spoke to her. Now I am feeling better.
Introduce Emotions vocabulary to your child.
While you talk about your day (age appropriate talk), introduce one one emotion ya feeling every alternate day.
Let your child understand it.
Not only ask but talk to your kids about your own day.
Example: While you ask your child, how was your day, the next step be
Parent: Hey , what's up? How was your day
Child: ... hmmm...ok mamma
Parent: You know, I had ________day.
From today you will start talking about your day with your child, irrelevant of the age group, but your talk should be age appropriate.
Talk about your emotions and feelings. Help your child to understand your feelings, and keep observing yourself, your emotions and the words you use.
Have a simple 10 minutes heart to heart conversation with your child, everyday.
In those 10 minutes, you will ask just one question to your child....How was your Day?
Observe and note what answers you get from your child.
While you make your child sleep (whenever), give the child positive strokes and it should be on the head and back.
For more you may visit our website www.rhynsacademy.com or you may email me at riddhi.d@rhynsacademy.com