What is Clinical Reflexology and how it Works?
Based on the Chinese acupressure and other theories from ancient medicine, there are reflex points on our feet, hands, ear and head connected to each and every part of our body called zones or reflex areas. By applying pressure with certain techniques on these specific reflex areas or points, the therapeutic effect can be achieved to reduce pain and also cure illness to a significant extent. It is a very effective alternative therapy, providing multilevel benefits within a few sessions of the therapy.
What Benefits can be achieved?
There are many health benefits can be achieved through Reflexology treatment including:
Reflexology brings Anti-Stress and Relaxation effects:
Reflexology has been proven to its ability to put the body into deep relaxation state, where brain starts sending signals and helps expedite recovery by stimulating 7,000 nerve endings. It results in a fast releasing of endorphins (are often called feel good chemical because they act as a pain reliever or happiness boosters) and that activates the parasympathetic nervous system (stimulates digestion, metabolism and reduces stress) almost immediately to provide relaxation effects. Also, it helps skin cells to repair and generate anti-aging effects.
Reflexology improves blood circulation and increase metabolic activities:
It improves blood flow in entire body from head to toe, which means that the oxygen is supplied throughout the body parts effectively and efficiently. When more oxygen is cycled in the body it enhances functions of the body systems, and help improve vitality and over all wellbeing. The gentle pressure and finger hand techniques are applied in such a way sothat the referred zone can be stimulated to achieve maximum benefits which also increase metabolic activities and results in faster regrowth and healing of the damaged cells. Also, help blood vessels and circulatory system to reduce blockages and help eliminate bad cholesterol depositions.
Reflexology help in lymphatic drainage and detox:
As we are exposed to all kinds of toxins in the environment such as, processed food, harmful chemicals pollution, radiation, pesticides and medication. Our body accumulates blockages and unable to function to its full potential and start showing signals in the form of pain, swelling, indigestion and so on. By unblocking energy pathways that have been clogged up with toxins, reflexology optimizes the functioning of the organs and by improving blood flow it activates lymphatic fluid movement to eliminate toxins from the body.
Reflexology help Improve digestive and colic issues:
Organs of the digestive system when stimulated at the reflex levels in the foot it gets activated and convert food and liquid into useful nutrients to function more efficiently. Reflexology helps strengthen each organ to function effectively and helps nutrients from the food (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals) to absorb and release into the bloodstream through the intestinal wall and supports entire body energy system. Also, help restore body energy and help enhance the mood.
Reflexology helps bring hormone balance:
As Reflexology help restore balance by regulating the hormones and glandular functions of the body. It also strengthens endocrine system by working with the hypothalamus and pituitary, it is very effective alternative therapy for bringing hormone balance. As body adjusted to self-healing and unblocking toxin depositions to enhance its vitality. Also, help reduce Pre mensural Symptoms, and brings emotional balance during that time period.
Is Reflexology safe for all ages?
Everyone can enjoy and benefit from a Reflexology treatment. Whether you are young, old, male or female the treatment will have some effect. It isĀ suitable and safe for all ages and may bring relief for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions.
Who can benefit from Clinical Reflexology?
If you are experiencing any symptoms from the following list, you should consider to receive Reflexology treatment:
Does Reflexology cover under Insurance Health Benefits?
Yes, Reflexology covered by Health Insurance and anyone with health insurance can have coverage added for reflexology therapy, without awareness they are missing out on this valuable health and wellbeing benefit.
Does Reflexology session require to get undress like massage?
Reflexology requires a lot less vulnerability than full body massage as only the feet are being exposed.
"Nidhi Maheshwari believes Reflexology pairs well with the medical treatments and help the body get back to balance by improving overall health and well-being."