1. Brief Background, tell us who you are?
I am an Electrical Engineer by graduation. A professional Photographer, Social Media Consultant, Blogger, Speaker and YouTuber by passion. I presently reside in Stockholm, Sweden. I am all about about documenting life in the most authentic manner in words, photographs and videos.
2. You have taken on a number of topics via Social Media - motherhood, travel, native food and now fitness. What got you into Social Media blogging?
Jim Rohn once said, “A life worth living is a life worth recording.” I remember reading the Diary of Anne Frank when I was 12 and I started to journal. From making a record of each day, the good, the not-so-good, my emotions, plans, dreams and my learnings, I started to journal everything. By documenting each day, I felt I was honouring the gift of each day! I journaled until my college years. Once I started a job, got married and became a parent, due to time constraints, I moved to blogging and micro blogging.
3. Did this new age platform help you highlight the cause better?
At first, social media to me was more like a digital journaling space. Over time, when my followers started to resonate with all that I was sharing, I discovered this is an excellent platform to highlight various causes that matter to me!
4. You also have a unique pet named Peanut, tell us about that?
Earlier this year, during my stay at my parent’s house in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, one evening a baby abandoned squirrel announced its arrival in our kitchen attic. He was so tiny, like a peanut, so we named him Peanut.
I hand raised Peanut - fed him milk in syringe and cared for him every couple of hours. He grew to such an indispensable part of our lives. Peanut grew into a handsome squirrel. As squirrels are known to be very shy creatures, we were very surprised when he began to bond with us. Those three months Peanut stayed with us was unforgettable.
Check out Videos of Peanut - K&K's Pets
5. What advise will you give to other girls / ladies who are getting attracted to this new way of communication?
- Draw inspiration from others on social media, but ensure your content is original, authentic and true to your personality and core beliefs. Do not copy. Be unapologically you!
- While consistency is key, do not give in to the pressure of posting frequently. Post/Share only when you are deeply inspired by the message you want to share. Your audience is super smart to sense whether you are sharing out of engagement pressure or out of genuine inspiration! (This is a golden rule I follow!)
6. Everyone looks at these beautiful pictures and settlings, I am sure process isn’t all that smooth. Tell us a bit about the hard work that goes behind these post’s?
While there is planning, photography and content creation behind each post, I believe the most important aspect is arriving at a CLEAR INTENTION behind each post. Before each post I ask myself - Why am I sharing this post? What message is it conveying to my audience? What impact would I like this post to have? How better could this be expressed either in picture or words? DO I REALLY MEAN WHAT I AM SHARING? These questions help me determine my intention.
Youtube Channel - @MichelleJob
Personal Instagram - @michellejob
Professional Instagram - @michellejobphotography
Blog - https://kroniclesofkandk.com/
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