Yesterday I hit my ankle (quite badly) against the corner of a big chair. Resulted in soreness from evening onwards. Even though I am a fitness freak and love every aspect of it, I gave in to the pain and thought about skipping my strength workout planned for the day, but (in retrospect) glad I changed my mind quickly..
Used these holy grail products without impacting my ankle adversely.
To further help me stay motivated, I decided to play some peppy music to keep the energy flowing.
With everything all set and prepped up, I followed the workout routine given below:
3 Supersets each of the following exercises :
1. Banded hip bridges and Banded fire hydrants
2. Banded body weight squats and Banded donkey kicks
3. Standing alternating leg raises and single leg deadlifts (can add band but I didn't wanna risk it cos of ankle)
4. Ab roller and planks with alternating side steps
Concluded the workout with foam rolling focused on relaxing the fascia - IT band, calves hamstrings, quads, glutes, lower back, upper back (lower, middle and upper trapezius) followed by full body static stretching to promote lengthening of these muscles 😊
It was soooooo worth it. Don't let your brain play its tricks on you. Commit to your body and good health. Every workout doesn't have to be HIIT, play around with different workout routines and follow your body. Something is always better than nothing.