I suffered with gut issues for many years, which caused massive anxiety, and sometimes
panic attacks as well. It was a viscous cycle and I was completely sucked into it. As years
went by, I realized how common this is, especially among young people.
Gut issues (or any other health issues for that matter) that our parents usually go through
post 50-60 years of age, are now so common in those who are just 25. Our lifestyles and
eating habits have completely changed – we have so much packaged foods around us and
although it’s made things convenient for sure, it’s also caused so much damage to our
bodies. The damage doesn’t happen overnight, which is why we also need to give the gut
time to heal.
I did my MSc. In Nutrition, and I am a qualified chef as well. I had all the tools to help myself.
I fixed my gut issues with normal home cooked food, I didn’t quit eating anything. I balanced
all my meals, worked on my stress levels and sleep quality and I noticed a huge difference in
other areas than just my digestive health – I got less mood swings, better concentration,
improvement in my breathing (I’m asthmatic), weight loss, better skin and in general – just a
lot happier.
This is how RESET came about!
It’s very tough to completely quit eating something. When you stop – you crave it more.
I have a holistic approach towards health, where I discuss various parts of a client’s lifestyle
– gut health, stress, sleep, hydration, daily food habits to name a few.
I personalize a nutrition roadmap for them which they can carry out quite independently
since they’re not drastic unsustainable change. Each week I introduce a new habit to their
lifestyle that is beneficial to their overall health, in line with their goals and of course- gut
friendly. Baby steps go such a long way, and I think doing something about your health is
better than doing nothing at all.
For more you can follow me on Instagram @resetbyishti or visit my website: ishtisaluja.com