When i was in school a prayer was said everyday at the end of the morning assembly it went like this:
Thank You God for the food we eat
Thank you God for the world so sweet
Thank you God for the birds that sing
Thank you God for everything
Its superb all the merry making and the feeling of happiness and total contentment which envelops us on that particular day of 'Thanksgiving' but that's was not what it is meant to be , to be wrapped up and rolled up in one day and and stoved away in a box until next year.
I have come to realise its worth sweating the small stuff like saying thanks every now and then , it is actually the big stuff .
I'll give you an example:
A lady works in my house helping me around with the basic cleaning, chopping , washing etc (yes I am privileged).
I say thank you Meena every evening when she leaves . One evening I saw she went out of the way and repaired a leak in the kitchen pipe on her own and didn't even mention it to me. Just went about doing her usual job but I made a mental note of it and felt so much gratitude for her a mother to two.
That evening when she was leaving all I said was " Thank you Meena, I saw what you did and it was amazing. You are so talented ". And I handed her a cake for her daughter and said Thank you for being you.
Her face light up like a bulb, and I came to realise that the everyday thank you which I was saying to her never registered with her, it was like madam just says thank you as she has a habit of saying it. But today she noticed and truly felt my gratitude.
Which made me wonder if 'Thank You' is an overrated and underrated word at the same time. It is blurted out without meaning and it is sometimes said whole heartedly.
This Thanks giving lets try to live thankfully like we mean it. Let's continue to be our sassy selves with a heart full of gratitude, eyes full of compassion, a warm smile spreading kindness and love. Once a noble man told me - the moment you say thank you, you are elevated. “Lets Experience this Like we Own it “.
Happy holidays everyone :)