Our time on earth is just a transitory phase in the larger scheme of things where our creator gave us the opportunity to bond and grow with a plethora of animals & birds and infinite flora and Fauna. We in our endless need to be supreme have forgotten our purpose somewhere down the line and have not only sidelined everything else but have become ruthless towards every other being.
Daily we read reports of torture to dogs, elephants, whales etc. We have become nothing more than killing machines. Where is the humane side to us. There is complete intolerance to any other being except ourselves and intolerance even with ourselves.
Animals have an equal right to coexist which we have taken away. We need to understand that humans have taken away all the natural habitats of animals especially in the cities where we see the sad plight of dogs, cats, cows, elephants, donkeys, camels, birds and various other small animals. We need to understand that if we are taking away the natural habitat of animals in the name of development for ourselves, then it becomes our duty to provide food and shelter for them. How are they to fend for themselves. Their natural instinct of survival of the fittest has been overshadowed and now it is just survival for all of them.
It is sad to see that offences against animals is still not considered to be a serious crime and the culprits go scot free with very negligible penalty. This mindset needs to change, any crime against animals should be taken just as seriously as it is taken towards a human. A crime, cruelty in any form is cruelty, it does not change whether it is against an animal or human.
We need to be aware that animals have an equal right to coexist which is the only way forward. Animals have right, Too !!!!
Animals are our friends and we do not kill friends or eat them.
There needs to be a collective effort to safeguard the animals and their habitat for the future of our planet. The change needs to be starting from home where we educate our children and family members to be compassionate towards animals and in preserving life forms whatever it may be.
A small habit of feeding any stray will not only inculcate compassion within ourselves and our families but will also lead to understanding the emotion of helping and sharing. Taking care of animals held us to understand not only ourselves but also become compassionate human beings. Let us not be so ruthless in our greed to be the superior being that we forget that we too shall go back into this earth.
What is the legacy we want to leave for our future generations, an earth depleted of flora and fauna, full of greed, hatred, animosity and pollution. Is this what we envision or a better world for our kids. It is the steps which we take today to help save animals and protect them in every form that we would be able to save the planet.
All we need to understand is that love conquers all, every animal requires Love and care Look into the eyes of a dog it speaks a billion emotions
Also, read YES, animals have rights too!!