Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian Science of Architecture. While we all have heard about Vastu Shastra, most of us are not fully aware of what it is exactly and why is it important? Vastu Shastra literally translates to the science of architecture, and it describes the principles of design, layout, measurement, ground preparation, space arrangement, and spatial geometry.
Why Is Vastu Shastra Important?
Vastu Shastra explains that all things in the universe have a level of energy and that every building or land has a vibration of energy associated with it. The universe is built of positive and negative energy. Vastu aims at eliminating the negative energy and enhancing the positive energy.
Vastu for east-facing property
According to Vastu Shastra guidelines, east-facing properties are believed to be good for buildings and multi-story apartments. However, for independent houses and bungalows, this direction is not counted amongst the best choices. Also, there are certain Vastu rules, guidelines and principles that have to be followed when it comes to Vastu for an east-facing property.
Vastu for east-facing main door
If you have an east-facing home, take caution while placing the main door entrance. Always ensure that your entrance is exactly in the middle and not in the south-east or north-east, as these two corners are considered unlucky for placing the main door in the east-facing property, according to Vastu.
If your entrance is in the north-east corner, make sure the main door does not touch the north-east corner. For this, you can leave at least 6 inches (1/2 ft.) gap between the wall and the main door.
If you have a south-east facing main entrance, follow these remedies to nullify the Vastu Doshas:
1. Place three Vastu pyramids, one on each side of the door and the third one on the top of the main door, in the center.
2. You can also place the symbol of Om, Swastik and Trishul, on both sides of the door.
3. Install a Siddha Shukra Yantra for eliminating negative energy from the home.
4. Alternatively, you can also use a Siddha Vastu Kalash, to amplify the positive energy generated in this part of the corner.
Things to avoid in east-facing homes
There should be no kitchen in the north-east corner.
There should be no big trees in the northern and eastern side of the house
There should be no clutter, dirt, dustbins, etc., in the north and north-east corner.
Avoid stairs in the north-east direction.
The garage should not be designed in the north–east direction.
Dos and don'ts for east-facing house
Walls in the north and east directions, should be slightly shorter and thinner than those in the south and west.
The kitchen should be planned in the south-east or north-west direction.
Plan your kitchen in a way that you face east (in a south-east kitchen) or west (in a north-west kitchen), while cooking.
The Puja room and living room in the north-east direction, are considered very auspicious.
You can plan the guest room in the north-west direction.
A plot that slopes from south to north is considered good.
A master bedroom in the south-west direction is considered the best.
There should be no bedroom, toilets and septic tanks in the north-east corner.
Leave more open space in the eastern and northern side of the house.
The boundary wall should be higher in the southern and western side of the plot.
Avoid buying property, which is attached to the land in the south or west direction.
Consider a property that has a plot attached to it in the northern direction, as it is considered lucky and brings prosperity and fortune.
If there is any student in the house, keep a crystal globe in the north-east zone.
Purify the home with mountain salt twice a week, to boost energetic vibes.
Wall colours for east-facing rooms
When decorating an east-facing room, remember that it will have a lot of natural light in the morning and you may have to use artificial light later in the day, as the afternoons will be comparatively cooler. Before selecting the paint colour for your east-facing room, try and visualize the colour in natural, as well as artificial light.
Usually, blue and green are popular choices, for painting east-facing rooms. Blue with a very light grey tint can make your room look cooler while light green and aqua shades can imbibe freshness in the space. If you are looking for neutral tones, white and light pink are the best options available.
Common Vastu defects in east-facing house
If you are facing difficulty in getting recognition or facing health issues or strained relationships within the family, there could be some negative energy in the east direction. This could be due to the presence of stairs, bathrooms, or kitchens in the eastern direction.
Another common Vastu defect is doors facing east and opening outward. Also, according to Vastu, the total number of doors should not be odd and the count should not end with a zero.
Too much clutter in the eastern direction also brings negative energy. Home owners should keep east-facing homes ventilated and airy.
General Vastu Tips for House
Constant tap dripping produces negative energy and results in a deterioration of health. Make sure you don’t drip the taps in your house.
Planting Basil or / and Tulsi cleans the air in the house. Avoid plants such as rubber, cactus, Bonsai and other milky plants. They might add to your illness and stress.
Do not build stairs or toilets in the northeast corner of your home; it causes health problems and hinders the growth of children.
The master bedroom in the south-west direction ensures physical and mental stability. Never build a bedroom in the northeast direction; it causes health problems.
Always lie down with your head in the direction of the south while you sleep. It promotes a peaceful, healthy lifestyle. Sleeping with the head in the north direction is not a good idea, as it causes stress and aches.
East is considered the best way to cook and eat, as it promotes effective digestion and good health.
Vastu helps you capture living spaces to a specific order that sets the equation between the cosmic energies and the people living in the premises. A person observes physical, spiritual and also material well-being. It creates a rhythm and balance in the atmosphere, ensuring a better life. Shubhpuja helps you to remove Vastu Doshas and also perform Vastu puja to make your life full of positivity, prosperity in all aspects of life. We have ancient scientific research to amend all your worries.